Tuesday 9 July 2013

Get the Best Makeup Tips for this Summer

Summer is the time of year when sun shines at its bright and sharper flow. We often get worried about the makeup melt due to sun heat. If you want to know the makeup tips for summer then first you must know that, in summer season days are longer therefore your makeup should last for long hours. In order to keep your makeup refreshing throughout the day, you should follow some easy tricks as following:
The great summer makeup tip is to use tinted moisturizer. 

The oil free moisturizer can keep your skin hydrated. You can add a hint of color to even out your skin tone. There are great brands from which you can choose akin tone and do not forget to check which suits your skin most. The best makeup can keep your skin’s glow everlasting. Looking beautiful and glamorous definitely require extra care while applying products on your face. You should try to avoid very dark colors. Always use smudge free eye pencils.

We often use foundation in summers but forget to apply it in an appropriate manner. Before you apply foundation use some powder on the clean skin. After applying powder, you should prefer a foundation that is little darker than the foundation that you use to apply in non summer days. But, ensure that the foundation you choose compliments your undertone.You should prefer lip-gloss of light color. Your body sweat can disturb the makeup so; try to avoid dark colors in makeup. Always use skin care products rather than relying on advertisements. Your skin is the most revealing part. So, do the best makeup this summer.

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